Thursday, August 4, 2011

we hit up the columbus zoo.(:

me and my superawesometotallycool friend, Ronald.(: 

we spent a large part of our time at the petting zoo.
 we made friends.

this one liked licking my foot. i like you too, mr. goat.
we lived off of powerade. and theres my Steve in the corner, representin' for da pillow pets,hey,heyyy.(:

so you wanna know....

one.if, i could wink id be the happiest girl on earth. really not too good with words.
three.i like softball.lots(:
four.i enjoy hangin' with my friends(:
five.i dont like pickles on weekends. they taste different, i promise!
six.i love kaitlin,hannnaah,and olive.(;
seven. ^ those ones took a ride on the fail boat. *matt original.
eight.thats just about it! gonna be done now.